Validity of Learning Devices Results of Integrating Scaffolding Forms in Biological Learning Using Learning Cycles 5E in Students that are Different Learning Styles to Complete Process Skills, Thinking Skills and Cognitive Learning Outcomes

Authors : Yuni Gayari, Muslimin Ibrahim, Tjandra Kirana

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : This study aims to describe the validity of the learning device as a result of integrating scaffolding forms in biology learning using the 5E learning cycle in students with different perceptual learning styles. This article is part of a research on developing an Integrating Scaffolding Forms in Biology Learning strategy (ISFBL strategy). Learning tools developed on the topic of human respiratory system biology class IX subjects in the form of syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan, Student Activity Sheets, teaching materials and test instruments. The research procedure consisted of the preliminary study stage, the development of learning strategies, operational learning strategies, validation tools, and empirical validation. The validation test method is carried out by experts and practitioners / teachers who are relevant in this field. The results of expert validation show that the learning device that integrates scaffolding forms in biology learning using the 5E learning cycle in students with different perceptual learning styles is declared valid and can be used in high school.

Keywords : Learning Devices, Scaffolding, Learning Style, Thinking Skills, Process Skills, Cognitive Learning Outcome.

This study aims to describe the validity of the learning device as a result of integrating scaffolding forms in biology learning using the 5E learning cycle in students with different perceptual learning styles. This article is part of a research on developing an Integrating Scaffolding Forms in Biology Learning strategy (ISFBL strategy). Learning tools developed on the topic of human respiratory system biology class IX subjects in the form of syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan, Student Activity Sheets, teaching materials and test instruments. The research procedure consisted of the preliminary study stage, the development of learning strategies, operational learning strategies, validation tools, and empirical validation. The validation test method is carried out by experts and practitioners / teachers who are relevant in this field. The results of expert validation show that the learning device that integrates scaffolding forms in biology learning using the 5E learning cycle in students with different perceptual learning styles is declared valid and can be used in high school.

Keywords : Learning Devices, Scaffolding, Learning Style, Thinking Skills, Process Skills, Cognitive Learning Outcome.

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