Variables Influencing Employee Performance Within PT.Tjiwi Kimia Cooperative

Authors : Anisa Aprelia Nur Khotimah; Ika Korika Swasti

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The purpose of this study was to asses how work motivation and job satisfaction impact employees performance in the PT.Tjiwi Kimia Employee Cooperative environment. The population of this study were all employees at PT.Tjiwi Kimia Employee Cooperative which amounted to 110 employees. By using the slovin formula, involved 53 respondents as samples. The sampling technique employed was propability sampling, specifically using the simple random sampling method. The research methods used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) with an ordinal measuring scale through a Likert scale. The findings indicated that: (1) work motivation positively influences employee performance significantly, and (2) job satisfaction also significantly contributes to enhancing employee performance.

Keywords : Job Satisfaction; Employee Performance; Work Motivation.

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The purpose of this study was to asses how work motivation and job satisfaction impact employees performance in the PT.Tjiwi Kimia Employee Cooperative environment. The population of this study were all employees at PT.Tjiwi Kimia Employee Cooperative which amounted to 110 employees. By using the slovin formula, involved 53 respondents as samples. The sampling technique employed was propability sampling, specifically using the simple random sampling method. The research methods used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) with an ordinal measuring scale through a Likert scale. The findings indicated that: (1) work motivation positively influences employee performance significantly, and (2) job satisfaction also significantly contributes to enhancing employee performance.

Keywords : Job Satisfaction; Employee Performance; Work Motivation.

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