Water Scarcity in Turkey and Press Response: A Literature Review

Authors : Hassan Rouhvand

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/365eScz

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6363680

Abstract : This literature review focuses on water security in Turkey over the past years, and it examines three foreign media articles as well as three domestic media releases published in English language over a period of six months, between January and June 2021, to address the problem of how water crisis in Turkey is framed by the media under consideration. Following a discussion and a brief history of water-stress points in the region, including Turkey, the reviewer will survey the published studies on this particular topic to identify the criteria for critical evaluation of all the selected literature under the Vreese’s journalistic concept of “frame-building”. The synthesis, then, will highlight factors, like power, interests and disinterests, that influence the frequency and presence in building of frames by the selected media communities.

Keywords : Water; Scarecity; Turkey; Press; Review.

This literature review focuses on water security in Turkey over the past years, and it examines three foreign media articles as well as three domestic media releases published in English language over a period of six months, between January and June 2021, to address the problem of how water crisis in Turkey is framed by the media under consideration. Following a discussion and a brief history of water-stress points in the region, including Turkey, the reviewer will survey the published studies on this particular topic to identify the criteria for critical evaluation of all the selected literature under the Vreese’s journalistic concept of “frame-building”. The synthesis, then, will highlight factors, like power, interests and disinterests, that influence the frequency and presence in building of frames by the selected media communities.

Keywords : Water; Scarecity; Turkey; Press; Review.

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