Authors :
Prateep B.S; Sunil Kumar H. M.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
One of the duties of the APMCs is to ensure
current weighment of produce brought and sold in the
market yards. Introduction of Electronic Weighing
Scales in the APMCs is the new system to ensure correct
weighment of produce being sold by the farmers. This
will help the farmer to get the complete payment for his
complete produce based on the price discovered in the
market. This is an objective method of deciding the
quantity of the commodities sold by farmers to the
One of the duties of the APMCs is to ensure
current weighment of produce brought and sold in the
market yards. Introduction of Electronic Weighing
Scales in the APMCs is the new system to ensure correct
weighment of produce being sold by the farmers. This
will help the farmer to get the complete payment for his
complete produce based on the price discovered in the
market. This is an objective method of deciding the
quantity of the commodities sold by farmers to the