Wheeled Mobility with Health Monitoring System

Authors : Pet. T. Bavitha; R. Kaushika; Dr. R. Narmathabanu

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3AszNmu

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6800673

Abstract : We all know that independence refers to the state of a person wanting or being able to do things for oneself and make their own decisions, without the hep or influence from other people. According to the report from WHO, every year, about 5,00,000 people worldwide suffer from a spinal cord injury. This has increased the number of wheelchairs users substantially. So, the ease of use will make it reliable. The mortality rate of wheelchair bound increases if timely and quality medical care is not provided when needed. So, providing a quality medical care at the right time plays a vital role in saving lives of wheelchair ridden patients. The health of the patient is monitored by the combined usage of three different sensors like the pulse sensor, temperature sensor and the respiratory sensor. The multivariant data set is fed into the Arduino UNO, where it is processed, and the output can be retrieved.Several health parameters are monitored and measured using this device. This smart wheelchair will help the family members track the patient’s health by using a mobile app. If any emergency occurs, the users can be immediately taken to the hospital and get treated. This will increase the chances of saving people’s life by a great number.

Keywords : emergency, independence, mortality, multivariant, smart wheelchair

We all know that independence refers to the state of a person wanting or being able to do things for oneself and make their own decisions, without the hep or influence from other people. According to the report from WHO, every year, about 5,00,000 people worldwide suffer from a spinal cord injury. This has increased the number of wheelchairs users substantially. So, the ease of use will make it reliable. The mortality rate of wheelchair bound increases if timely and quality medical care is not provided when needed. So, providing a quality medical care at the right time plays a vital role in saving lives of wheelchair ridden patients. The health of the patient is monitored by the combined usage of three different sensors like the pulse sensor, temperature sensor and the respiratory sensor. The multivariant data set is fed into the Arduino UNO, where it is processed, and the output can be retrieved.Several health parameters are monitored and measured using this device. This smart wheelchair will help the family members track the patient’s health by using a mobile app. If any emergency occurs, the users can be immediately taken to the hospital and get treated. This will increase the chances of saving people’s life by a great number.

Keywords : emergency, independence, mortality, multivariant, smart wheelchair

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