Authors :
V.V. Joshi,Padalwar Pravin Pralhadrao, Shubham Nikam,Khade Vishal Vijay, Abhishek Mavi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Nowadays using multimedia applications is common in classroom teaching. As we know that use of chalk produces dust, which pollutes the air and causes hazardous effects on health. Teacher still have to write on a blackboard with chalk though it cannot fulfil the needs of efficient teaching and learning. The proposed project work is designed to replace hefty desktops and laptops with a pocket sized chip for convenience. This will reduce the system cost and also will help to provide same quality of education. We have to design an Android Wi-fi application from which we will connect with Raspberry Pi’s Wi-fi and display our files on projector which is connect with Raspberry Pi. Moreover the ongoing lecture is recorded by a camera and can be uploaded to the android application so that it can be accessed later on.
Keywords :
Teaching; Projector; Raspberry-Pi; Android
Nowadays using multimedia applications is common in classroom teaching. As we know that use of chalk produces dust, which pollutes the air and causes hazardous effects on health. Teacher still have to write on a blackboard with chalk though it cannot fulfil the needs of efficient teaching and learning. The proposed project work is designed to replace hefty desktops and laptops with a pocket sized chip for convenience. This will reduce the system cost and also will help to provide same quality of education. We have to design an Android Wi-fi application from which we will connect with Raspberry Pi’s Wi-fi and display our files on projector which is connect with Raspberry Pi. Moreover the ongoing lecture is recorded by a camera and can be uploaded to the android application so that it can be accessed later on.
Keywords :
Teaching; Projector; Raspberry-Pi; Android