Women’s Role in Household Decision Making around Farming and Climate Change Adaptation utilizing Climate and Weather Information

Authors : Wilma C. De Los Santos

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3l7w9Ft

Abstract : Women play important roles in agricultural production, hence, in some cases, women’s contribution to agricultural production and economic development is not fully recognized. This study assessed the role of women in household decision-making around farming and livelihood activities and climate change adaptation utilizing weather and climate information. Quantitative data collection through face to face interview was conducted in 324 rice farming household respondents in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. Descriptive statistical analysis was applied to assess the role of women in household decision-making. Results show that the majority of women (59%) already participate in almost all the decisions. The husband considers his wife as an influencer and partner in the decision making and allows his wife to take the lead and have an input in almost all the decisions in some of the activities. Women are powerful in deciding routine household purchases and food preferences. Almost half of the household women (49%) participate in certain types of adaptation activities. They have input in most or all decisions when it comes to making houses more resilient to flooding and typhoon. However, there are a number of women who do not participate in decision-making. It is still the male who decides for almost all major household activities. To fully realize women empowerment and strengthen their participation and inputs in decisions, the study recommends policies and programs to improve women’s capacity and devote full representation in the decisionmaking process in planning and implementing agricultural-related programs integrating climate change adaptation utilizing weather and climate information

Keywords : Women’s Role, Household Decision Making, Farming and Livelihood Activities, Climate Change Adaptation, Weather and Climate Information.

Women play important roles in agricultural production, hence, in some cases, women’s contribution to agricultural production and economic development is not fully recognized. This study assessed the role of women in household decision-making around farming and livelihood activities and climate change adaptation utilizing weather and climate information. Quantitative data collection through face to face interview was conducted in 324 rice farming household respondents in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. Descriptive statistical analysis was applied to assess the role of women in household decision-making. Results show that the majority of women (59%) already participate in almost all the decisions. The husband considers his wife as an influencer and partner in the decision making and allows his wife to take the lead and have an input in almost all the decisions in some of the activities. Women are powerful in deciding routine household purchases and food preferences. Almost half of the household women (49%) participate in certain types of adaptation activities. They have input in most or all decisions when it comes to making houses more resilient to flooding and typhoon. However, there are a number of women who do not participate in decision-making. It is still the male who decides for almost all major household activities. To fully realize women empowerment and strengthen their participation and inputs in decisions, the study recommends policies and programs to improve women’s capacity and devote full representation in the decisionmaking process in planning and implementing agricultural-related programs integrating climate change adaptation utilizing weather and climate information

Keywords : Women’s Role, Household Decision Making, Farming and Livelihood Activities, Climate Change Adaptation, Weather and Climate Information.

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