Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Physiotherapists: Challenges and Coping Strategies WRMSDs in Physiotherapists

Authors : Dr. Reshma Khurana; Dr. D.C. Jain

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) is a debilitating condition which affects the younger age physiotherapists. The etiology is their professional working pattern. Reason for sick leaves and loss of work hours have been attributed to WRMSDs. Even though physiotherapists are aware of WRMSDs, a high prevalence is seen among them. The aim was to find out the prevalence and risk factors for WRMSDs in physiotherapists working in Indore city. Material: 500 physiotherapists participated in this crosssectional observational study. Questionnaire was used for collecting the data. Young physiotherapists working at least for 8 hours daily with at least 1 year of experience were included. Association between demographic variables and the WRMSDs was done using Pearson Chi-square Test. Results: The prevalence of WRMSDs was 20.8% in our study. Tendinitis, muscular spasms and ligament sprain were the most common. Lower back pain was complained by most of them. 2-3 weeks of persistent pain was reported. 58.7% took sick leave due to WRMSDs with a duration of 1-14 days. Maintaining same position (59.6%), lifting heavy objects (55.8%), bending and twisting (48.1%), manual therapy (42.3%) and repetitive work (41.3%) were the main etiology of pain. Avoidance of lifting, manual therapy time reduction, posture change and avoiding work when in pain were the common coping strategies adopted by them. There was no relationship between demographic variables and WRMSDs (p>0.05). Conclusion: WRMSDs were seen among young physiotherapists and to cope with that they avoided lifting heavy objects, reduced manual therapy time and avoided work when in pain.

Keywords : Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Manual Therapy, Low Back Pain, Changed Posture, Stop Working When in Pain, Coping Strategies for WRMSDs.

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) is a debilitating condition which affects the younger age physiotherapists. The etiology is their professional working pattern. Reason for sick leaves and loss of work hours have been attributed to WRMSDs. Even though physiotherapists are aware of WRMSDs, a high prevalence is seen among them. The aim was to find out the prevalence and risk factors for WRMSDs in physiotherapists working in Indore city. Material: 500 physiotherapists participated in this crosssectional observational study. Questionnaire was used for collecting the data. Young physiotherapists working at least for 8 hours daily with at least 1 year of experience were included. Association between demographic variables and the WRMSDs was done using Pearson Chi-square Test. Results: The prevalence of WRMSDs was 20.8% in our study. Tendinitis, muscular spasms and ligament sprain were the most common. Lower back pain was complained by most of them. 2-3 weeks of persistent pain was reported. 58.7% took sick leave due to WRMSDs with a duration of 1-14 days. Maintaining same position (59.6%), lifting heavy objects (55.8%), bending and twisting (48.1%), manual therapy (42.3%) and repetitive work (41.3%) were the main etiology of pain. Avoidance of lifting, manual therapy time reduction, posture change and avoiding work when in pain were the common coping strategies adopted by them. There was no relationship between demographic variables and WRMSDs (p>0.05). Conclusion: WRMSDs were seen among young physiotherapists and to cope with that they avoided lifting heavy objects, reduced manual therapy time and avoided work when in pain.

Keywords : Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Manual Therapy, Low Back Pain, Changed Posture, Stop Working When in Pain, Coping Strategies for WRMSDs.

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