Zero Investment Development Planning Motorcycle Parking Building Gramedia Pandanaran Semarang

Authors : Dianita Ratna Kusumastuti; Nur Setiaji Pamungkas; Komang Watara Bawasu; Maritsa Arda Nugrahaeni

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : The city of Semarang is the area with the largest population in Central Java Province which has 1,656,564 residents with the highest use of motorbikes, namely 1,512,234 in 2021. This requires providers of goods and services to provide adequate parking spaces. The Gramedia Pandanaran Bookstore already has a parking space for motorbikes, but it is not sufficient to accommodate all the existing visitors. So, it is necessary to build a parking building with an alternative cost of Zero Investment where the construction costs only use parking revenues. This study aims to analyze motorcycle parking capacity, required construction costs, accumulation of parking revenue, revenue sharing with operators, number of years required for financing, costs that need to be incurred annually, and building maintenance and operational costs. The results of this study are for the distribution of income of 80% -20%, it takes 10 years with the annual cost of Rp. 1,115,741,090. For the distribution of income of 85%-15% and 87.5%-12.5, it takes 9 years with the annual costs of IDR 1,115,741,090. The maintenance costs required for painting steel are Rp. 112,579,942 every 5 years, lamp replacement is Rp. 25,389,495 every 9 years, and electricity payments are Rp. 9,817,560 every year.

Keywords : Parking Area, Investment, Zero Investment

The city of Semarang is the area with the largest population in Central Java Province which has 1,656,564 residents with the highest use of motorbikes, namely 1,512,234 in 2021. This requires providers of goods and services to provide adequate parking spaces. The Gramedia Pandanaran Bookstore already has a parking space for motorbikes, but it is not sufficient to accommodate all the existing visitors. So, it is necessary to build a parking building with an alternative cost of Zero Investment where the construction costs only use parking revenues. This study aims to analyze motorcycle parking capacity, required construction costs, accumulation of parking revenue, revenue sharing with operators, number of years required for financing, costs that need to be incurred annually, and building maintenance and operational costs. The results of this study are for the distribution of income of 80% -20%, it takes 10 years with the annual cost of Rp. 1,115,741,090. For the distribution of income of 85%-15% and 87.5%-12.5, it takes 9 years with the annual costs of IDR 1,115,741,090. The maintenance costs required for painting steel are Rp. 112,579,942 every 5 years, lamp replacement is Rp. 25,389,495 every 9 years, and electricity payments are Rp. 9,817,560 every year.

Keywords : Parking Area, Investment, Zero Investment

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