A Generalized Class of Bisimple Ample Semigroups

Authors : Ebere, U. E; Udoaka, O. G

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://t.ly/YqthU

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8002442

Abstract : It is clear that most results in ample semigroups are but analogues of inverse semigroups. Unlike bisimple inverse -semigroups which -classes contains regular elements as studied in [28] and later extended in [2] and [3] to a class of ample semigroups

Keywords : Cancellative monoids, abundant semigroups, adequate semigroups, ample semigroups, bisimple semigroups, binary array of bisystems of cancellative monoids.

It is clear that most results in ample semigroups are but analogues of inverse semigroups. Unlike bisimple inverse -semigroups which -classes contains regular elements as studied in [28] and later extended in [2] and [3] to a class of ample semigroups

Keywords : Cancellative monoids, abundant semigroups, adequate semigroups, ample semigroups, bisimple semigroups, binary array of bisystems of cancellative monoids.

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