Authors :
Siddhant Singh, Himanshu Dharm, Anirban Ghosh, S.S. Dhotre.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Social networks square measure the most resources to collect info concerning people’s opinion and sentiments towards totally different topics as they spend hours daily on social media and share their opinion. During this technical paper, way of the applying of sentimental analysis and the way to attach to Twitter and run sentimental analysis is done. This can be helpful for the businesses and agencies that need to understand the feedback concerning their product brands or the customers who need to go looking for opinion from others concerning product before purchase.
Keywords :
Twitter, Sentiment, Classifiers, Sentiment Analysis.
Social networks square measure the most resources to collect info concerning people’s opinion and sentiments towards totally different topics as they spend hours daily on social media and share their opinion. During this technical paper, way of the applying of sentimental analysis and the way to attach to Twitter and run sentimental analysis is done. This can be helpful for the businesses and agencies that need to understand the feedback concerning their product brands or the customers who need to go looking for opinion from others concerning product before purchase.
Keywords :
Twitter, Sentiment, Classifiers, Sentiment Analysis.