A Review for Mobile Health Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network

Authors : Suman Yadav, Gori Shanker

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/E69GVh

Scribd : https://goo.gl/OLMyTz

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Wireless devices contain the large range with excellent capability. With the help of existing technology, we can monitor to the patient medical details for the particular interval. In this paper, we are discussing for WSN technology to monitor the WSN health data. We also discussed advantages and disadvantages for the wireless medical devices along with the technology. We discussed WPAN(Wireless Personal Area Network ) technology , Zigbee , WiFi and Wi-M : Wi-Fi, WiMax, Structural-Health monitoring Design issues, Wireless Sensor Networks, etc.

Keywords : Wi-Fi, WiMax, Structural-Health monitoring Design issues, Wireless Sensor Networks, etc.

Wireless devices contain the large range with excellent capability. With the help of existing technology, we can monitor to the patient medical details for the particular interval. In this paper, we are discussing for WSN technology to monitor the WSN health data. We also discussed advantages and disadvantages for the wireless medical devices along with the technology. We discussed WPAN(Wireless Personal Area Network ) technology , Zigbee , WiFi and Wi-M : Wi-Fi, WiMax, Structural-Health monitoring Design issues, Wireless Sensor Networks, etc.

Keywords : Wi-Fi, WiMax, Structural-Health monitoring Design issues, Wireless Sensor Networks, etc.

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