Authors :
Rachna Prabha
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
In this paper, presents the compact dual U slot microstrip patch antenna for mobile communication devices has been proposed.The antenna designed of a main patch with dual U slot and a ground plane to generate two frequency bands at 1.65 and 2.75 GHz.The bandwidth of two frequency bands 1.65 and 2.75 GHz are 46 MHz and160 MHz respectively. The system may include GSM/ DCS/PCS/IMT frequency bands.Defected ground structure (DGS) is used in this antenna,which has a rectangular slot truncated on ground plane for achieving additional resonances and bandwidth enhancements.The simulated results of the presented antenna exhibit good refelection coefficient, stable gain and radiation pattern at the operating frequencies. This monopole antenna is very popular in wireless communication systems for dualband applications.
Keywords :
Dual band, DGS, Printed Antenna, U slot
In this paper, presents the compact dual U slot microstrip patch antenna for mobile communication devices has been proposed.The antenna designed of a main patch with dual U slot and a ground plane to generate two frequency bands at 1.65 and 2.75 GHz.The bandwidth of two frequency bands 1.65 and 2.75 GHz are 46 MHz and160 MHz respectively. The system may include GSM/ DCS/PCS/IMT frequency bands.Defected ground structure (DGS) is used in this antenna,which has a rectangular slot truncated on ground plane for achieving additional resonances and bandwidth enhancements.The simulated results of the presented antenna exhibit good refelection coefficient, stable gain and radiation pattern at the operating frequencies. This monopole antenna is very popular in wireless communication systems for dualband applications.
Keywords :
Dual band, DGS, Printed Antenna, U slot