Determination of Optimum Bitumen Content for the Bituminous Concrete Mix Design

Authors : Peta Vineeth Kumar; Sara Sai Ram; Mudigonda Harish Kumar

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : 98% of highways are constructed in flexible pavement roads. The performance of pavement is determined by the properties of bitumen. Bitumen is the naturally occurring byproduct of crude oil. Bituminous Concrete mix design emphasizes determining the proportion of bitumen, Filler, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregates are combined to create a mix that is workable, strong, durable, and economical. The most frequent material utilised in the construction of flexible paving roads is bituminous concrete mix. The construction of Bituminous Concrete (BC) is used as the road Wearing course in this project. The Bituminous Concrete (BC) consists of a proportioned mixture of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and bitumen and the Mix design is carried out by the Marshall method of Mix design to fulfill the requirements of Stability, Flow, Density, and Voids analysis. In general, bitumen acts as an adhesive agent that binds aggregate particles into a cohesive mass. The bitumen mix is tested for penetration test, softening point, ductility, and marshal stability to evaluate different properties like flow value, voids, unit weight, aggregate voids, and marshal stability. Aggregates are tested for Grain size analysis, Impact test, Specific gravity test, Flakiness test, and Elongation test. Our project emphasizes the mix design consideration to find out the Optimum Binder Content. In this design, we have used the Marshall Stability test method. I

98% of highways are constructed in flexible pavement roads. The performance of pavement is determined by the properties of bitumen. Bitumen is the naturally occurring byproduct of crude oil. Bituminous Concrete mix design emphasizes determining the proportion of bitumen, Filler, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregates are combined to create a mix that is workable, strong, durable, and economical. The most frequent material utilised in the construction of flexible paving roads is bituminous concrete mix. The construction of Bituminous Concrete (BC) is used as the road Wearing course in this project. The Bituminous Concrete (BC) consists of a proportioned mixture of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and bitumen and the Mix design is carried out by the Marshall method of Mix design to fulfill the requirements of Stability, Flow, Density, and Voids analysis. In general, bitumen acts as an adhesive agent that binds aggregate particles into a cohesive mass. The bitumen mix is tested for penetration test, softening point, ductility, and marshal stability to evaluate different properties like flow value, voids, unit weight, aggregate voids, and marshal stability. Aggregates are tested for Grain size analysis, Impact test, Specific gravity test, Flakiness test, and Elongation test. Our project emphasizes the mix design consideration to find out the Optimum Binder Content. In this design, we have used the Marshall Stability test method. I

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