Authors :
Muhammad Asman Setiawan Jumain; Ari Suwondo; Lanny Sunarjo; Melyana N. Widyawati; Diyah Fatmasari; Jumain
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
According to the results of basic
health research (Riskesdas) in 2018, 45.3 % of Indonesian
Indonesian has oral healt problem, especially cavities, but
only 4.1 % of teeth were filled because of cavities. The
government, through the Ministry of Health, set a 2030
target for the Indonesian population to be caries-free,
Degree of acidity (pH) of saliva is a factor in development
of dental caries, periodontal disease, and other diseases of
the oral cavity. The normal pH of saliva in the mouth is 7.
The degree of acidity (pH) of saliva is the most important
factor to enhance tooth integrity because it can stimulate
remineralization, whereas a decrease in salivary pH can
cause tooth demineralization. While the remineralization
process will reduce the possibility of caries, giant ginger
contains ingredients that can help to remineralize the tooth
surface. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of giant
ginger extract (zingiber officinale var. Roscoe) toothpaste
in preventing the growth of bacteria that causes dental
cavities. Method: Laboratory experimental research,
using the True Experiment method where this study had a
control group with a pretest–posttest with control group
design. Saliva samples collected before and after brushing
teeth with concentrations of 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, K(+)
and K(-). The pH of the saliva specimen then evaluated, the
physical quality test and hedonic test were then conducted,
followed by sampling using the Lameshow formula. Based
on the inclusion criteria, the sample was divided into two
groups: treatment and control, each with 66 based on the
inclusion criteria. Result: Since the degree of acidity (pH)
of saliva before and after brushing teeth with giant ginger
extract toothpaste (Zingiber officinale. var. Roscoe) had a
P-value of 0.034 < 0.05 before and after brushing teeth with
giant ginger extract toothpaste (Zingiber officinale. var.
Roscoe), it was concluded that there was an effect of the
degree of acidity (pH) of saliva before and after brushing
teeth with giant ginger extract toothpaste. Conclution: The
degree of acidity (pH) of saliva before and after brushing
teeth are affected by the preparation of giant ginger
extract toothpaste (Zingiber officinale var. Roscoe).
Keywords :
Caries, pH Saliva, Giant Ginger Extract Toothpaste.
According to the results of basic
health research (Riskesdas) in 2018, 45.3 % of Indonesian
Indonesian has oral healt problem, especially cavities, but
only 4.1 % of teeth were filled because of cavities. The
government, through the Ministry of Health, set a 2030
target for the Indonesian population to be caries-free,
Degree of acidity (pH) of saliva is a factor in development
of dental caries, periodontal disease, and other diseases of
the oral cavity. The normal pH of saliva in the mouth is 7.
The degree of acidity (pH) of saliva is the most important
factor to enhance tooth integrity because it can stimulate
remineralization, whereas a decrease in salivary pH can
cause tooth demineralization. While the remineralization
process will reduce the possibility of caries, giant ginger
contains ingredients that can help to remineralize the tooth
surface. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of giant
ginger extract (zingiber officinale var. Roscoe) toothpaste
in preventing the growth of bacteria that causes dental
cavities. Method: Laboratory experimental research,
using the True Experiment method where this study had a
control group with a pretest–posttest with control group
design. Saliva samples collected before and after brushing
teeth with concentrations of 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, K(+)
and K(-). The pH of the saliva specimen then evaluated, the
physical quality test and hedonic test were then conducted,
followed by sampling using the Lameshow formula. Based
on the inclusion criteria, the sample was divided into two
groups: treatment and control, each with 66 based on the
inclusion criteria. Result: Since the degree of acidity (pH)
of saliva before and after brushing teeth with giant ginger
extract toothpaste (Zingiber officinale. var. Roscoe) had a
P-value of 0.034 < 0.05 before and after brushing teeth with
giant ginger extract toothpaste (Zingiber officinale. var.
Roscoe), it was concluded that there was an effect of the
degree of acidity (pH) of saliva before and after brushing
teeth with giant ginger extract toothpaste. Conclution: The
degree of acidity (pH) of saliva before and after brushing
teeth are affected by the preparation of giant ginger
extract toothpaste (Zingiber officinale var. Roscoe).
Keywords :
Caries, pH Saliva, Giant Ginger Extract Toothpaste.