Authors :
Nwokata Evans C; Dr. Emad Alfar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This research delves into the utilization of earth retaining systems in the context of railway infrastructure, with a keen
focus on their advantages and implications. The study objectives encompassed exploring the technical complexities and
applications of earth retaining systems within railway infrastructure, covering various system types, design principles, and
their suitability for diverse railway scenarios. Recent developments and advancements tailored for these systems in railway
projects were reviewed, shedding light on the ever-evolving landscape of this field.
The research sought to assess the benefits and advantages associated with the incorporation of earth retaining systems
in railway projects. It also meticulously identified the challenges and limitations inherent in implementing such systems in
railway contexts. Finally, the study aimed to offer practical suggestions and advice for the effective utilization of earth
retaining systems within railway infrastructure.
To achieve these objectives, both hand calculations and geotechnical software, such as GEO5 2023, The research's
culmination revealed the profound significance of earth retaining systems in fortifying the durability, safety, and stability
of railway infrastructure. The case study presented concrete advantages, including erosion mitigation, heightened track
stability, and cost-effective construction methods. Furthermore, a rigorous analysis compared the results obtained through
software and hand calculations, further reinforcing the research's findings.
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This research delves into the utilization of earth retaining systems in the context of railway infrastructure, with a keen
focus on their advantages and implications. The study objectives encompassed exploring the technical complexities and
applications of earth retaining systems within railway infrastructure, covering various system types, design principles, and
their suitability for diverse railway scenarios. Recent developments and advancements tailored for these systems in railway
projects were reviewed, shedding light on the ever-evolving landscape of this field.
The research sought to assess the benefits and advantages associated with the incorporation of earth retaining systems
in railway projects. It also meticulously identified the challenges and limitations inherent in implementing such systems in
railway contexts. Finally, the study aimed to offer practical suggestions and advice for the effective utilization of earth
retaining systems within railway infrastructure.
To achieve these objectives, both hand calculations and geotechnical software, such as GEO5 2023, The research's
culmination revealed the profound significance of earth retaining systems in fortifying the durability, safety, and stability
of railway infrastructure. The case study presented concrete advantages, including erosion mitigation, heightened track
stability, and cost-effective construction methods. Furthermore, a rigorous analysis compared the results obtained through
software and hand calculations, further reinforcing the research's findings.