Authors :
Shahidur Rahoman Sohag; Syed Murtoza Mushrul Pasha
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The extraction of causal relationships from
biomedical literature, focusing on overcoming the unique
challenges presented by the complexity of biomedical
language, implicit causalities, and the scarcity of large
annotated datasets. The research offers an extensive
review of various methods, ranging from rule-based
systems to classical machine learning models such as
SVMs, to the cutting-edge deep learning techniques
including LSTM, CNN, and BioBERT, which have
significantly improved the identification of both explicit
and implicit causal relationships. A major contribution of
this work lies in addressing the limitations posed by small
datasets through the incorporation of semi-supervised
learning and data augmentation techniques. The paper
also emphasize the importance of capturing temporal
dependencies to enhance the understanding of event
sequences, crucial for recognizing causality in biomedical
studies. Furthermore, the research underscores the
significance of domain adaptation, fine-tuning general-
purpose datasets like SemEval for the specific needs of
biomedical literature, which often contains domain-
specific terms and complex structures. By tackling these
challenges and proposing innovative solutions, this paper
advances the field of biomedical text mining, offering
valuable insights for future research and practical
applications in clinical decision support, drug safety
monitoring, and biomedical knowledge discovery.
Keywords :
Biomedical Causal Discovery; Biomedical Causality Mining; Causal Relationship Mining; Biomedical Text Analysis; NLP in Biomedical Research.
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The extraction of causal relationships from
biomedical literature, focusing on overcoming the unique
challenges presented by the complexity of biomedical
language, implicit causalities, and the scarcity of large
annotated datasets. The research offers an extensive
review of various methods, ranging from rule-based
systems to classical machine learning models such as
SVMs, to the cutting-edge deep learning techniques
including LSTM, CNN, and BioBERT, which have
significantly improved the identification of both explicit
and implicit causal relationships. A major contribution of
this work lies in addressing the limitations posed by small
datasets through the incorporation of semi-supervised
learning and data augmentation techniques. The paper
also emphasize the importance of capturing temporal
dependencies to enhance the understanding of event
sequences, crucial for recognizing causality in biomedical
studies. Furthermore, the research underscores the
significance of domain adaptation, fine-tuning general-
purpose datasets like SemEval for the specific needs of
biomedical literature, which often contains domain-
specific terms and complex structures. By tackling these
challenges and proposing innovative solutions, this paper
advances the field of biomedical text mining, offering
valuable insights for future research and practical
applications in clinical decision support, drug safety
monitoring, and biomedical knowledge discovery.
Keywords :
Biomedical Causal Discovery; Biomedical Causality Mining; Causal Relationship Mining; Biomedical Text Analysis; NLP in Biomedical Research.