Authors :
Gbenga Fayose; Dr Kukoyi Patricia; Love David Adewale; Ibrahim Iyiola Salami; Abdultawab Ademola Aderibigbe; Emmanuel Damilare Ogundare
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The research project is an assessment of the health
and safety behavior of construction masons in Lagos state.
Health and safety is a safety risk mitigating mechanism
that must be implemented to ensure a hazard-free
construction work experience and increase productivity
in the construction industry. The construction masons
play an important and arguably the largest role in the
construction industry which makes them more accident-
prone than the other workforce in the industry. This
necessitates that the poor health and safety behavior of
construction masons be studied. This study aims to
ascertain the behavioral patterns of construction masons
towards health and safety so that there would be an
awareness of the essence of health and safety practices on
the construction site.
Research Methodology-
With regards to this, 113 construction professionals
who work along with the masons in Lagos state were
selected and issued well- structured questionnaires to get
responses on the health and safety behavior of
construction masons in Lagos state along with focus-
group-based interviews of construction masons. The
derived data was analyzed through the use of descriptive
and analytical scientific methods (frequencies, mean, and
The research study revealed that many of the
construction professionals coupled with the construction
workers (masons) are aware of the necessity of the
implementation of the health and safety concepts in the
construction industry. Also, many of the respondents
agreed that dust and fumes from cement and falling
objects are the commonest hazards faced by construction
masons. In addition to that, it was observed that lack of
adoption of safety measures by construction
organizations, ignorance about the importance of safety,
and overconfidence on the part of the workers are the
major factors contributing to poor safety behaviors
among workers.
Some important limitations encountered in the
course of this research are averseness of organizations to
disclose relevant safety information and lack of adequate
records of safety issues in Nigeria.
In line with this, the research recommends that there
should be adequate delivery of safety equipment to
construction sites, adequate safety supervision, adequate
site safety meetings, and functional health and safety laws
in the state.
Social Implications/Value-
This research has been able to contribute to the body
of knowledge by evaluating the level of safety awareness
of construction professionals, identifying the common
hazards among construction professionals, unearthing
the factors discouraging good safety behavior among
masons, and identifying the factors that can promote a
good safety behavior among masons to develop a more
effective construction industry.
Keywords :
Accidents, Awareness, Behavior, Construction Masons, Construction Site, Hazard And Health And Safety.
References :
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The research project is an assessment of the health
and safety behavior of construction masons in Lagos state.
Health and safety is a safety risk mitigating mechanism
that must be implemented to ensure a hazard-free
construction work experience and increase productivity
in the construction industry. The construction masons
play an important and arguably the largest role in the
construction industry which makes them more accident-
prone than the other workforce in the industry. This
necessitates that the poor health and safety behavior of
construction masons be studied. This study aims to
ascertain the behavioral patterns of construction masons
towards health and safety so that there would be an
awareness of the essence of health and safety practices on
the construction site.
Research Methodology-
With regards to this, 113 construction professionals
who work along with the masons in Lagos state were
selected and issued well- structured questionnaires to get
responses on the health and safety behavior of
construction masons in Lagos state along with focus-
group-based interviews of construction masons. The
derived data was analyzed through the use of descriptive
and analytical scientific methods (frequencies, mean, and
The research study revealed that many of the
construction professionals coupled with the construction
workers (masons) are aware of the necessity of the
implementation of the health and safety concepts in the
construction industry. Also, many of the respondents
agreed that dust and fumes from cement and falling
objects are the commonest hazards faced by construction
masons. In addition to that, it was observed that lack of
adoption of safety measures by construction
organizations, ignorance about the importance of safety,
and overconfidence on the part of the workers are the
major factors contributing to poor safety behaviors
among workers.
Some important limitations encountered in the
course of this research are averseness of organizations to
disclose relevant safety information and lack of adequate
records of safety issues in Nigeria.
In line with this, the research recommends that there
should be adequate delivery of safety equipment to
construction sites, adequate safety supervision, adequate
site safety meetings, and functional health and safety laws
in the state.
Social Implications/Value-
This research has been able to contribute to the body
of knowledge by evaluating the level of safety awareness
of construction professionals, identifying the common
hazards among construction professionals, unearthing
the factors discouraging good safety behavior among
masons, and identifying the factors that can promote a
good safety behavior among masons to develop a more
effective construction industry.
Keywords :
Accidents, Awareness, Behavior, Construction Masons, Construction Site, Hazard And Health And Safety.