Authors :
Esther Henriette Maria Pantouw; Sri Pare Eni; Ramos P. Pasarib
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The rapid growth in urban development,
tends to decrease Green Open Spaces in South
Tangerang City region. Continuous development, has
caused decline in the ecosystem , poor air quality , traffic
congestion, and various other factors that can cause
physical and mental health problems for urban people
such as depression, obesity, diabetes, hypertension .
Various studies have shown that being outdoor can
reduce stress levels (Wells et al, 2003) as well as levels of
depression and anxiety (Park et al, 2010). The decrease
of green spaces, due to development in the city of South
Tangerang, and the lack of maintenance of the
surrounding green open spaces and environmental parks
in the area, led to the emergence of the idea of
conducting research on the Situ Gintung area as one of
the few green open spaces or parks in this city. This
research was carried out using a descriptive qualitative
method, by making observations and surveys around
the research location, collecting on location data ,and
finding supporting literatures necessary in order to
obtain information that could help achieve the right
solution to overcome existing problems, in hope that it
can be a recommendation and reference for the
development of this area in the future. Improving the
existing green open spaces into a humanistic and
sustainable green open spaces that can be enjoyed by all
groups of people, will benefit the physical, mental health
and well-being of the community.
Keywords :
South Tangerang City, Situ Gintung, Humanistic Green Open Spaces.
References :
- Indonesian government Law Number 26/2007 concerning spatial Law
- Evitasari Sejarah Situ Gintung, 8th February 2024.
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- Zhang ,jun, JinJinghua, Liang Yimen, the impact of Green Space on University student”s mental health : The Mediating Roles of Solitude competence and Perceptual Restoration htpps://, 10.3390/ su16020707, 13 January 2024.
- Toofan , Importance of Humane Design for sustainable Landscape, IACIT International Journal of engineering and Technology Vol, 6 No.6, December 2014.
- Sudarwani Maria M. Green Open Spaces Regional Utility study, Prodi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
- Susilawati Syifa, Jogging Rasa Healing di Ciputat- Jogging Track Situ Gintung, Kumparan .com , 25 October 2023
The rapid growth in urban development,
tends to decrease Green Open Spaces in South
Tangerang City region. Continuous development, has
caused decline in the ecosystem , poor air quality , traffic
congestion, and various other factors that can cause
physical and mental health problems for urban people
such as depression, obesity, diabetes, hypertension .
Various studies have shown that being outdoor can
reduce stress levels (Wells et al, 2003) as well as levels of
depression and anxiety (Park et al, 2010). The decrease
of green spaces, due to development in the city of South
Tangerang, and the lack of maintenance of the
surrounding green open spaces and environmental parks
in the area, led to the emergence of the idea of
conducting research on the Situ Gintung area as one of
the few green open spaces or parks in this city. This
research was carried out using a descriptive qualitative
method, by making observations and surveys around
the research location, collecting on location data ,and
finding supporting literatures necessary in order to
obtain information that could help achieve the right
solution to overcome existing problems, in hope that it
can be a recommendation and reference for the
development of this area in the future. Improving the
existing green open spaces into a humanistic and
sustainable green open spaces that can be enjoyed by all
groups of people, will benefit the physical, mental health
and well-being of the community.
Keywords :
South Tangerang City, Situ Gintung, Humanistic Green Open Spaces.