PPT Buddy: PDF Analysis and Presentation

Authors : Toshal Bendale; Vaishnavi Kadam; Tanvi Naik; Prajakta Gotarne

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/f224cfvd

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/3ktbmtef

DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAY1635

Abstract : In today’s digital age, the management and com-munication of vast amounts of information stored in documents pose significant challenges. The “PPT Buddy” project addresses this issue by introducing an innovative approach to document analysis and presentation creation. Leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, PPTBuddy streamlines the extraction of key insights from documents, generates concise summaries, and creates visually engaging PowerPoint presen-tations. Central to its methodology is the utilization of the TextRank algorithm, which prioritizes content based on relevance and importance through preprocessing, TF- IDF analysis, and similarity matrix computation. Furthermore, integration with the OpenAI API enhances content summarization capabilities. The resulting presentations effectively communicate essential docu- ment aspects through extracted keywords, summarized text, and visuals, catering to diverse user needs and domains. PPTBuddy represents a significant advancement in document management and communication, offering a comprehensive solution to the challenges of information overload in digital documents.

Keywords : Document Summarization, Natural Language Pro-Cessing, Textrank Algorithm, TF-IDF, Openai API.

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In today’s digital age, the management and com-munication of vast amounts of information stored in documents pose significant challenges. The “PPT Buddy” project addresses this issue by introducing an innovative approach to document analysis and presentation creation. Leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, PPTBuddy streamlines the extraction of key insights from documents, generates concise summaries, and creates visually engaging PowerPoint presen-tations. Central to its methodology is the utilization of the TextRank algorithm, which prioritizes content based on relevance and importance through preprocessing, TF- IDF analysis, and similarity matrix computation. Furthermore, integration with the OpenAI API enhances content summarization capabilities. The resulting presentations effectively communicate essential docu- ment aspects through extracted keywords, summarized text, and visuals, catering to diverse user needs and domains. PPTBuddy represents a significant advancement in document management and communication, offering a comprehensive solution to the challenges of information overload in digital documents.

Keywords : Document Summarization, Natural Language Pro-Cessing, Textrank Algorithm, TF-IDF, Openai API.

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