The Condition of Working and Non Working Women in the Society

Authors : Archana Soni; Dr. Nitendra Kumar Verma

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This paper explores the dual roles of working and non working women in the society , analyzing their unique challenges, shared struggles, and significant contributions. Working women face obstacles such as workplace discrimination, gender based pay gaps, and work life balance issues. While non working women grapple with the under valuation of unpaid domestic labour, financial dependency and social isolation. Despite these hurdles both groups play vital roles in economic growth, cultural preservation and social progress. The research underscores the need for systems reforms, inclusive policies and social recognition of women’s diverse contributions to foster gender equality .

Keywords : Working Women, Non Working Women, Gender Roles, Workplace Discrimination, Unpaid Labour, Gender Equality, Social Perceptions, Empowerment, Economic Contributions.

References :

  1. Becker, G. A Treatise on the Family. Harvard University Press. 1991.
  2. Blau, F.D., & Kahn, L.M. The Gender Wage Gap Extent, Trends and Explanations . Journal  of Economic  Literature . 2017.            
  3. Folbre, N. The Invisible  Heart : Economics  and Family  Values . The New Press. 2001.   
  4. International Labour Organization. World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women. 2021.
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  6. Un Women. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment United Nations Publications. 2020.
  7. World Economic Forum. Global Gender Gap Report. 2022.

This paper explores the dual roles of working and non working women in the society , analyzing their unique challenges, shared struggles, and significant contributions. Working women face obstacles such as workplace discrimination, gender based pay gaps, and work life balance issues. While non working women grapple with the under valuation of unpaid domestic labour, financial dependency and social isolation. Despite these hurdles both groups play vital roles in economic growth, cultural preservation and social progress. The research underscores the need for systems reforms, inclusive policies and social recognition of women’s diverse contributions to foster gender equality .

Keywords : Working Women, Non Working Women, Gender Roles, Workplace Discrimination, Unpaid Labour, Gender Equality, Social Perceptions, Empowerment, Economic Contributions.

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