The Important Role of Information Systems Auditing in Compliance and Risk Management Review

Authors : Jam’an Amadi; May Handri; Juliani; Jufri Antoni

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Information system auditing is a systematic process carried out to evaluate the security, relevance, integrity, effectiveness and efficiency of information systems in companies. The research method used is the literature study method and literature review to examine and analyze the Importance of the Role of Information Systems Auditing in Reviewing Compliance and Risk Management. The purpose of this study is to determine the important role of auditing in reviewing compliance and risk management in companies or organizations. Therefore, this article emphasizes the importance of the role of auditing information systems in this increasingly sophisticated era.

Keywords : Component; Information System Auditing, Compliance, Risk Management.

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Information system auditing is a systematic process carried out to evaluate the security, relevance, integrity, effectiveness and efficiency of information systems in companies. The research method used is the literature study method and literature review to examine and analyze the Importance of the Role of Information Systems Auditing in Reviewing Compliance and Risk Management. The purpose of this study is to determine the important role of auditing in reviewing compliance and risk management in companies or organizations. Therefore, this article emphasizes the importance of the role of auditing information systems in this increasingly sophisticated era.

Keywords : Component; Information System Auditing, Compliance, Risk Management.

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