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Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
As we know every transport sector has it’s own paper work which can be done by the company employee. Transportation means it has lots of paper work in their branches. Transportation is a business and thus it cannot be handled by one person and there are many branches of a transport company. In the existing file system it’s all paper work which is done manually by the staff. Operating everything manually becomes very time consuming, difficult to handle, not reliable as there are majority of chances of error. It may also lead to major loss of data due to manual operation. Retrieving records of company is also difficult. The objective of making transport management system is to make the task easier of handling all the bills of the customer. In this project all the database of the customer is stored in the memory of computer so that when the next time customer places the order then computer will automatically redeem the basic information of the customer. The customer can make the necessary changes according to his or her requirements.
As we know every transport sector has it’s own paper work which can be done by the company employee. Transportation means it has lots of paper work in their branches. Transportation is a business and thus it cannot be handled by one person and there are many branches of a transport company. In the existing file system it’s all paper work which is done manually by the staff. Operating everything manually becomes very time consuming, difficult to handle, not reliable as there are majority of chances of error. It may also lead to major loss of data due to manual operation. Retrieving records of company is also difficult. The objective of making transport management system is to make the task easier of handling all the bills of the customer. In this project all the database of the customer is stored in the memory of computer so that when the next time customer places the order then computer will automatically redeem the basic information of the customer. The customer can make the necessary changes according to his or her requirements.